Monday, March 19, 2007


I met you
I flirted with you
I didn't trust you at first
I held back a great deal
I later kissed you on the cheek
I learned to really embrace you
I talked to you daily
I traveled with you
I even sat right in your lap
I confided in you with my deepest secrets
I introduced you to my family and friends
I made love to you time and time again
The more I gave you
the more you gave in return
I finally put all my cards on the table
for you to see
I am pleased with my decision


CapCity said...

HUGE SIGH! i LIKE it! thanx, Ms. Tiffany for sharing!

Lance said...

that's beautiful....thanks for sharing.

life has it's order and your poetry showed you and life are on the same page.

IYMS said...

Capcity and Lance,

I'm glad you both enjoyed that poem. I woke up with that thought. I am experiencing a great appreciation of this thing called "life" each day.

IYMS said...

Capcity and Lance,

I'm glad you both enjoyed that poem. I woke up with that thought. I am experiencing a great appreciation of this thing called "life" each day.

dc_speaks said...

dang...this was tight too...

you are my supply of good inspriational posts, Tiffany!

im a faithful reader indeed!