Monday, May 14, 2007

Date Suggestions

For Homebodies

1. Cook a meal together.
2. Play a board game and rediscover your childhood.
3. Watch a full season of your favorite show on DVD for a TV marathon night.

For True Romantics

1. Create love coupons for foot rubs and back massages and cash them in.
2. Go all out with a traditional candlelight dinner.
3. Reserve a B&B getaway.

For Adventure Seekers

1. Spelunking (not the best idea for those afraid of heights).
2. Whitewater rafting.
3. Racecar driving school.

For Artistic Types

1. Take a pottery class.
2. Paint ceramics together.
3. Attend an art show.

For Those Who Love to Learn

1. Take a cooking class and expand your cooking repertoire as a couple.
2. Audit a class on your favorite subject from history to art to marketing.
3. Attend a poetry or book reading.

For Charity Givers

1. Help with bingo night at the local senior citizens' home.
2. Volunteer at the hospital.
3. Take an underprivileged kid to a ballgame or the circus.

For Sports Lovers

1. Watch a minor league game.
2. Join a pickup game in the park, from softball to volleyball to ultimate Frisbee.
3. Take scuba diving or golf lessons.

For Travel Buffs

1. Go for a weekend getaway.
2. Plan a vacation together.
3. Get in the car and drive.

For Family Lovers

1. Double date with the folks.
2. Play charades.
3. Plan and cook a big family dinner

Dating, Inc.Jeff Cohen is the author of Dating, Inc., a book that shows single women how to use proven business principles to find, select, and keep the right man for a relationship -- many of the same skills that already make them successful at work.

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