Thursday, March 29, 2007

Salute to my Line Sisters - AKA

April 1st, 1990 was my cross over date for Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Our line was known as the "Troublesome Twenty-Five" of Delta Eta Chapter. Our DP (Dean of Pledges) was Joyce Walters of St. Thomas, Virgin Islands. Our line was the "last official pledge" line. The individuals on line were perfect ladies all with GPA's (grade point averages) of 3.50 or better. My line name was Alpha Sniffles. My number on line was #3. Hats off to my audacious sorors of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.
AKA's of Delta Eta Chapter - Florida Memorial University Homecoming (February 2007).

About Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.
Founded on the campus of Howard University in Washington, DC in 1908, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority is the oldest Greek-letter organization established by and for African American college-trained women. To trace its history is to tell a story of changing patterns of human relations in America in the 20th century.


The Original Group: Anna Easter Brown, Beulah Burke, Lillie Burke, Marjorie Hill, Margaret Flagg Holmes, Ethel Hedgeman Lyle, Lavinia Norman, Lucy Slowe and Marie Woolfolk Taylor
Led by Ethel Hedgeman Lyle, the nine Howard University students who came together to form Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority were the scholastic leaders of their classes. Each also had a special talent or gift that further enhanced the potential of this dynamic group.

The Sophomores: Norma Boyd, Ethel Jones Mowbray, Alice Murray, Sarah Meriweather Nutter, Joanna Berry Shields, Carrie Snowden and Harriett Terry.

With the exception of Ethel, the original group of women was comprised of college seniors. To ensure the continuity of the organization, seven Class of 1910 honor students who had expressed interest were invited to join without initiation.

The Incorporators: Norma Boyd, Julia Brooks, Ethel Jones Mowbray, Nellie Quander, Nellie Pratt Russell and Minnie Smith.

Nellie Quander was elected president in 1911. Under her visionary leadership, Alpha Kappa Alpha initiated a dynamic plan of expansion. The first step of establishing a national body in perpetuity was taken in 1913 when Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority was legally incorporated. (Taken from the AKA website located at

HBCU of the Month - Florida Memorial University

This is my alma mater!!!
Each month the Tom Joyner Foundation selects a specific HBCU to focus our funding raising efforts towards. During the month of March 2007, Florida Memorial University is the HBCUs of the Month. We encourage individuals, groups, organizations and alumnae of Florida Memorial University, to join us in our effort to support institutions of higher learning. Contributing to Florida Memorial University for the Tom Joyner Foundation is easy. You can mail a check or money order to:The Tom Joyner Foundation P.O. Box 630495; Irving, TX 75063 (taken from

The University traces its origins back to 1879, to the Florida Baptist Institute in Live Oak, Florida, and to the Florida Baptist Academy, founded in Jacksonville in 1892. Decades later, after a relocation to St. Augustine, a merger of the two schools, several name changes, and expansion to a four-year academic program, the institution’s charter was amended, and the name Florida Memorial College was adopted in 1963. The College relocated to Miami, Florida, its permanent home, in 1968, and is the only historically Black college in the southern region of the state. In December 2004, again, the institution’s charter was amended, and the name Florida Memorial University was adopted.

1. Current President: Dr. Karl S. Wright
2. Size of present campus site: 56.7 Acres
3. Current assets include 350 acre site in St. Augustine, Florida as of 6/30/05: $45,968,000
4. Amount of current annual budget: $64,021,623
5. Size of endowment: $9,489,961 as of June 30, 2005
6. Cost of tuition, room, board and fees to attend Florida Memorial University for one (1) full academic year (Fall and Spring Semester): $17,594 as of 7/01/06.
7. Status of annual audits for past seventeen (17) years: Unqualified
8. Fall 2005 student headcount: 1947
9. Geographical distribution of students:
· Percentage from in state: 80.7%
· Percentage from out of state: 11.5%
· Percentage that are of international origin: 7.8%
10. Number of full time employees: 310
11. Number of full time faculty: 114
12. Percentage of full time faculty who hold the Ph.D. or terminal degree: 75%

13. Accreditation:
· Regional: Commission on Colleges- Southern Association of Colleges and Schools
· Professional: Association of Collegiate Business Schools and Programs
· Professional: National Council For Accreditation of Teacher Education

14. Number of undergraduate Degree programs: 41
Number of graduate degree Programs: 4

15. Ranked second in the State and ninth in the Nation for graduating African-American Teachers.
For More Info visit:

INVICTUS (Taking Responsibility for One's Destiny)

by William Ernest Henley; 1849-1903

Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the horror of the shade,And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find me, unafraid.It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,I am the master of my fate;
I am the captain of my soul.

Lift Ev'ry Voice and Sing

Lift Ev'ry Voice and Sing — often called "The Black National Anthem" — was written as a poem by James Weldon Johnson (1871-1938) and then set to music by his brother John Rosamond Johnson (1873-1954) in 1900. It was first performed in public in the Johnsons' hometown of Jacksonville, Florida as part of a celebration of Lincoln's Birthday on February 12, 1900 by a choir of 500 schoolchildren at the segregated Stanton School, where James Weldon Johnson was principal.

Lift ev'ry voice and sing,
'Til earth and heaven ring,
Ring with the harmonies of Liberty;
Let our rejoicing rise
High as the list'ning skies,
Let it resound loud as the rolling sea.
Sing a song full of the faith that the dark past has taught us,
Sing a song full of the hope that the present has brought us;
Facing the rising sun of our new day begun,
Let us march on 'til victory is won.
Stony the road we trod,
Bitter the chastening rod,
Felt in the days when hope unborn had died;
Yet with a steady beat,
Have not our weary feet
Come to the place for which our fathers sighed?
We have come over a way that with tears has been watered,
We have come, treading our path through the blood of the slaughtered,
Out from the gloomy past,
'Til now we stand at last
Where the white gleam of our bright star is cast.
God of our weary years,
God of our silent tears,
Thou who has brought us thus far on the way;
Thou who has by Thy might
Led us into the light,
Keep us forever in the path, we pray.
Lest our feet stray from the places, our God, where we met Thee,
Lest, our hearts drunk with the wine of the world, we forget Thee;
Shadowed beneath Thy hand,
May we forever stand,
True to our God,
True to our native land.

(From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

Monday, March 26, 2007

From "Motivator" to "Dream Builder"

It has been several years since my brother, Jason informed me that Les Brown, "The Motivator" had just called the house for my mentor. I was both elated and disappointed at the same time. How is that I kept missing the call?

I gave my brother the run down about how my Aunt Sylvia had given me a "boot leg" copy of one of his speeches on cassette some years ago. I emphasized how intrigued I was with his story and his passion. I spoke of how I was determined to one day meet him and how residing in my mentor's home in Miami Lakes, Florida had put me closer than ever.

Finally, I answered his call! As I was taking the message, I realized that I must seize the opportunity for a formal introduction. However, I noticed he didn't have on his enthusiastic voice. He confided in me that he was having the best day. This was my chance, I started fast talking him with all of the inspiration I could. I started with, "Well, Mr. Brown, you know motivation comes from within..." and from that point on, I let him have it! I could hear the enthusiasm in his voice. My prayer to inspire others had been heard by God Almighty! Les Brown then asked me where was I headed. I informed him that we were on our way to West Palm Beach. He shouted, "You must come see me, I'm at the Breakers hotel! " I confirmed that we'd be there asap.

Once we got to the luxurious, ocean front hotel, I realized that I didn't have his room number. The front desk staff insisted that they couldn't reveal his room number. I was so adament about meeting him that an employee secretly showed me to Mr. Brown's room on the mezzanine level. I fervently knocked for about twenty-five minutes until Les Brown opened the door. I remember him looking as if he'd just awakened (with matted hair and all). He was dressed very casual. He put on a huge smile as he exclaimed, "you must be Tiffany!" He then reached out, gave me a hearty huge and welcomed us into his suite...

It was at that time, that the man known as "The Motivator" had inspired me to dedicate my life to becoming a "Dream Builder". It was at that moment, that I knew, if he could do it - I could too!!!

More Than Friends

You touch me in a special way
with your "hellos" and "goodbyes"
and "I'll call you laters"

You make me smile
and weep
and wonder
and pray
and wish
and hope

You give me strength
and build me up
and you fill me

You hold me tight
and lovingly
and long
and convincingly

You make me want you
today and tomorrow
and forever

You let us stand
as equals

You hook me up
with knowledge
and power
and strength

You embrace me
with your sharing
and caring
and gentleness

You give me a music
and a tune
all my own

You complete me
in a way that I've
always wanted

You hear me
and listen
and recall

You check me
and let me know when I'm

You are a friend
unconditionally and
from now 'til eternity

My Sentiments Exactly...

Here is an excerpt from My Sentiments Exactly - One Hundred Positive Thoughts

1) Love is like cutlery; it is always sharper in the beginning.
2) Handling problems is like bench pressing; sometimes you have to exert a little more energy.
3) Life is like a box of chocolates – you pick, you chew and the after taste is always a surprise.
4) Relationships are like amusement parks, every so many months there needs to be a new major attraction.
5) Men are like puzzles; they are difficult to put together and don’t always have all the pieces.
6) You really never have bad days; just sometimes your lens is out of focus.
7) When in doubt, pray, and then stick it out.
8) Bad days are really “good days” in disguise.
9) Destiny is not haphazard, it is intentional.
10) Forgiveness is like a blossoming rose, it opens up to an intriguing fragrance.
11) No one likes being bullied and it shouldn’t become commonplace.
12) Heartfelt gestures are like treasures and people cherish them like gold.
13) Perspiration and desperation are both easy to detect.
14) Matchmaking is like pottery; it’s an art.
15) People can change for the better or worse, just know that they will change.
16) Relationships can resemble jumping rope; you may be hesitant to jump in.
17) If your body is your temple then it should be rock solid.
18) Life is like driving in the mountains - there will be twists, turns and breathtaking experiences.
19) Your life’s purpose it the most purposeful thing in your life.
20) Select your path, ride it out, go fast, go slow and make some U turns.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

I was tagged!

I was recently tagged by DC Marbury at

My answers are as follows:

What main lesson have you learned in the month of February?
Life is the most precious of all God's gifts.

What bad habit do you want to rid yourself of this month?
I'd like to rid myself of taking people at their word rather than measuring their actions.

What are your favorite muses?
My muses include: classical music and bodies of water.

Name one thing Uniquely Different that you recently discovered about yourself?
I tend to love people more than they do themselves.

What is your definition of passion vs intimacy?
I think passion is more of an inner feeling whereas intimacy is an outward expression.

What are you vibing too?
I am vibing to male/female relationships; India Aire and my kids.

What are your favorite gadgets?
My favorite gadgets are: remote control and the camera phone.

What would be a perfect date with the person you're thinking of right now?
My perfect date: plane or helicoper ride to a Brazilian restaurant w/rodizio style - located on the water (like my favorite restaurant - El Porcao in Miami); followed by a day at the spa; receiving two dozen roses from my date (one at the beginning and one at the end of date); a comedy or love story; ending with conversation and cuddling at the beach or nearby body of water.

Last book read?
I reread Jesus CEO.

What would you rename if based upon your perception of the storyline?
I'm not sure.

How many times do you look at your blog or the blogs of others?
I look at blogs a couple times per day.

Who's your favorite blogger or spot you find lurking around most often?
I like DC's site.

If you were to live the opposite sex for the day, what name would you give yourself?
I'd give myself the name Christian.

Describe yourself in 3 adjectives
I'd describe myself as spiritual, altruistic, and industrious.

One goal you set for yourself for the month of March.
My goal would be to resume my Mastermind program.

********************I tag PFStew!

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Things My Grandma used to say...

  1. "Don't let anyone give you a wooden nickel."
  2. "You can't make a man love you."
  3. "You'd better love your sister, one day she may be the only person you've got."
  4. "I don't give a "Tinker's Damn!"
  5. "It wouldn't be life without something happening."
  6. "You got to roll with the punches."
  7. "Hot damn it!"

Inside vs. Outside

There are numerous ways of building yourself up. You can build your self esteem from the “inside out” or the “outside in”.

Building yourself from the “inside out” focuses on your intake. They say, “you are what you eat”. Therefore, what you consume literally and figuratively make a big difference. You must watch what you eat, read and hear. All of which are significant in your personal and emotional development.

The “outside in” concept deals with the outer appearance. Sometimes one may have to dress and smell a certain way to feel good about his or herself. This is the sort of “fake it ‘til you make it “ approach. This concept shows the world a confidence that you may not yet have developed. Further, it gives you the opportunity to physically demonstrate and view yourself in a positive manner.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Rice On the Wall

I am convinced as the old saying goes, "the more rice you throw at the wall, the more that will stick". I've recommitted to throw as much rice on the wall as possible. I am living, learning and loving the pursuit of each and every dream. I've learned not to share all of my goals with people but I've learned to share with them just enough to keep them at bay. I have used dreambuilding to establish and assert myself in a world all my own! My training has led to my kids knowing they can do and be anything they wish during this lifetime.

Well, I have to go get more rice!

Monday, March 19, 2007


I met you
I flirted with you
I didn't trust you at first
I held back a great deal
I later kissed you on the cheek
I learned to really embrace you
I talked to you daily
I traveled with you
I even sat right in your lap
I confided in you with my deepest secrets
I introduced you to my family and friends
I made love to you time and time again
The more I gave you
the more you gave in return
I finally put all my cards on the table
for you to see
I am pleased with my decision

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Breaking the Rules

If you haven't been being yourself - now is the time. If you have tailored yourself to someone else's pattern, it is time for you to learn and revert back to being you. Should you find that you are not moving fast enough, then pick up the pace. In essence, you will probably find it beneficial to do opposite of what you are doing now.

I learned to step outside the box a long time ago. I understand the use of varied strategies. Never will I succumb to the notion that there is one way to reach the finish line. I have found that people will dictate to you what they want you to become. When you change for them, they usually have another set of items for you that need adjusting (at least from their perspective). I was astounded by the way men while preface their statements with, " the problem I have with you is..." as if it is really my concern. Don't they know that their opinion of me is none of my business? Should I be living for them or God? It has been said that the first thing a man is attracted to in you is the first thing he wants to change. Why is that so common? Is this an issue of control or what? Who is really confused?

Life in Five Short Chapters by Portia Nelson


I walk down the street.
There's a deep hole in the sidewalk.
And I fall in.
I am lost. I am helpless. It isn't my fault.
It takes forever to find a way out.


I walk down the same street.
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I pretend I don't see it. I fall in again.
I can't believe I am in the same place.
But it isn't my fault.
It takes a long time to get out.


I walk down the same street and there is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I see it there, and still I fall in.
It's a habit.
But my eyes are open and I know where I am.
It is my fault and I get out immediately.


I walk down the same street.
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I walk around it.


I walk down a different street.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

I Think I Can (author unknown)

I Think I Can

If you think you are beaten you are;
If you think you dare not, you don't;
If you want to win but think you can't;
It's almost a cinch you won't.

If you think you'll lose you're lost;
For out of the world we find
Success begins with a fellow's will;
It's all in a state of mind.

Life's battles don't always go
To the stronger and faster man,
But sooner or later the man who wins
Is the man who thinks he can.

Ideal Mate

Christian, loves the Lord, purpose driven, honest, loyal, dedicated, mature, confident, articulate, hard-working, health conscious, giving, athletic, respectful, family oriented, organized, happy, positive, appreciative, nurturing, self-sufficient, friendly, affectionate, witty, self-motivated, high-energy, well-versed, business minded, outgoing, educated, mechanically inclined, compassionate and altruistic.

He Touched Me

Like wine engulfing the wine glass
A hand in a well-fitted glove

His words
His eye contact
His smile
His number on wrinkled paper

Although temporary
with no
additional follow up
truly touched my heart

Friday, March 16, 2007

An Invitation To Life...

You are cordially invited
to Be a part of Your Life
For the Rest of Your Life

When: From this Day forward
Where: In Any Positive place or crevice of choice
Why: Sometimes You forget "You" in the equation
Cost: Free Admission with some taxing experiences

For More Info:
Reconcile, negotiate and plan with yourself regarding
how you will make the most of this journey.

(Refreshments will be served.)

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

The Red, Black and Green

...with liberty and justice for all.
I say, Liberty.
Liberty for whom?
Justice for whom?

Where is the Liberty that the Pledge of Allegiance
so fondly speaks of?
It hasn't been bestowed upon me
nor my generation
nor my veneration for that matter

When it comes to Justice
The only justice that I know is when it comes to
getting the short end of the stick
it is JUST US
at that end

I pledge to the Red, Black and Green
May the Red blood run deep
The Black skin keep strong
and the land bring forth fertility
and with this,
I raise my Black hand
for a nation
with a "true" Liberty
and a "true" Justice
for ALL

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Dream Travel

Have you ever awakened to find that what seemed so real was actually a dream? Isn't that remarkable how realistic things appeared at that time? How is it that we can go so far in a dream yet remain stagnate in life? I don't understand this concept. However, it applies to many of us.

Dreams attach themselves to us for a reason. They give us an intangible concept that can usually be achieved by sometimes tangible means. Who wouldn't want to dream? They are free and non-discriminatory. They are the invitation of our minds. They captivate us in such a manner that no one us can.

Dedicate yourself to your dreams. Fulfill those that will land you on a different plane. Make the most out of your life by lifting some of the organizational structure that is embedded in your dreams. Build your dreams higher and higher each day. Jump from one dream to another. Link your dreams together. Live your dreams.

Monday, March 12, 2007

What I love about You---Life (part II)

Sydney in her swing; Kirby on her skates; William on the computer; sushi; hot baths; pedicures; red roses; now and laters; medium well steak; fruit baskets; Greek step shows; cuddling; lots of pillows on my bed; walking barefoot; line dancing; inspiring others; Disney World; being appreciated; respect; leaving mail in the mailbox; mini skirts; Rolls Royce's; giving massages; checking homework; candle light; driving down I-95; new movie releases; rodizio style; falling asleep on Miami Beach; traveling to Marco Island; blowing big bubbles; drinking lots of water, seeing the bigger picture...

A Typical Week

He woke Sunday morning and rose from his bed,
as to what he should do that day; he continually scratched his head.
He decided church was the answer and on his way he went.
Attentively, he listened to the message God sent.

At work the following morning, the Holy Spirit he revealed,
Church had successfully nurtured him and he felt truly fulfilled.
Friendly was his approach to everyone he came in contact.
He confidently spoke of the risen Lord and other biblical fact.

Now Wednesday night was Bible Study and he was reluctant to attend.
He feared the smiling faces with unclean heart he might befriend.
He decided to go and all the scriptures he did read.
Numerous blessings he prayed to those, he knew where in need.

Thursday, he suffered from that “almost Friday blues”.
Looking forward to church Sunday, he continued spreading the “good news”.
He went to bed early that night in hopes at 7:30 to awaken.
Far from his wildest thoughts that night his life was taken.

The character I made reference to is one who made a choice.
In every aspect of his life, he allowed Jesus a voice.
Let his behavior be an example if it is God’s kingdom that we seek.
For we know not what will happen, in a typical week.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

How Many? One, Non-Smoking

I sat at the table as if I were in a fine dining atmosphere
I made breakfast for myself
A big, not quite gourmet breakfast

My Black English tea was just the way I liked it
Eggs scrambled with cheese with added parsley and paprika
Virgina bacon crisp and laid neatly on the plate
Bowl of sliced fruit in front of me
No hash browns (but I'd thought about it)
I decided to skip the waffles, too

I had Gospel music playing in the background
My vitamin was on the napkin
The window was cracked so I could hear the sounds of nature
The room had my favorite fragrance
Said a prayer for my children in their respective places

Then I realized that had any of my messages
or text messages
been returned
I would not have had this opportunity
I would have been on someone else's schedule
I probably would have been tuned in to
someone else's agenda
I would have been engaged

this gave me time to reflect
and relax
and meditate
and realize
that I must do it again

Saturday, March 10, 2007

The Colors That We Are by Maite Lauder (my sister)

Caramel colored princess
Black man's dream
Fresh picked peach
All rinsed in gleem
Homemade vanilla ice cream
with a golden hue
Rich chocolate queen
just like you
All of the same color
All African American Queens
who will soon reclaim their thrones
next to their African Kings

His Head on My Pillow

I wonder if he knows
I wonder if he cares that the very essence of him
makes me both strong and weak.
How could that be?
I guess I can't understand but it's something
about his presence that makes me want to be around
a long, long time (with him, of course).
I don't know if it is a match made in heaven
but when he touches me...
Lord knows, I catch the Holy Spirit!
I don't even do that in church.
Can you feel me?
Something about him stepping in to a kiss
with me, and holding me tight, Oooooh Wee!
He doesn't care who sees him either.
I'm feeling like a Junior High school girl again.
I always knew I'd fall for a fine, Christian, educated brother,
who smells good and is well-groomed with perfect teeth
(with a whole lot of other great attributes).
I guess I just didn't know that he'd fall for me.
I'm so blessed!

Thursday, March 8, 2007

You Gotta Have Passion

The receptionist at the elite attorney's office downtown manages to answer over 50 calls per day with a smile in her voice. She's got passion!

The parking attendant greets everyone in a friendly manner all day long for days on end. He's got passion!

The football quarterback leads his school to the finals. He's got passion!

The kindergartner crosses every "t" and dots every "i". That child has passion!

The interviewee gives the interviewer a hearty handshake and excellent eye contact. They've got passion!

Determine what you have a passion for. God gives us all talents to use for HIS glory. Your passion will help you determine your true purpose. It will allow you to act and handle things with a powerful and effective approach.

Planning Your Day Tips

With all of the planning devices available today. It is sometimes hard to coordinate all of the features to effectively remind you of your planned events.

  1. Plan your day at the same time each day.
  2. Maintain a record of the previous, present and future month calendars.
  3. Place only appointments on your calendar.
  4. Information should be centralized (meaning in one place).
  5. Post its aren't good for planning (they can be lost).
  6. Indicate what action was taken (i.e., forwarded, completed and etc.)
  7. File items alphabetically in the address book section.

What I Love about You -----Life

God, family, popcorn, lying on the beach, gun range, board games, cards, billiards, competition, good conversation, intimacy, loyalty, a clean house, fine dining, roses, birthday parties, road trips, flying planes, sports, Law and Order, beautiful men, a good hug, my children, a kiss on the cheek, holding hands, fresh scents, Old School music, watching the baby sleep, making people smile, good weather, strong support bases, positive imaging, structured learning, exercising, healthy food, reading and writing, leaving bad situations, diversity, theatre, future planning...

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Two Types of People...

There are two types of people: 1) dreambuilders and 2) dreamkillers. Both push you tremendously but in different directions. The dreambuilders tell you that "you can" whereas the dreamkillers tell you that "you can't". Dreambuilders have mastered the art of serving as cheerleaders by constantly giving praise and reassurance to those in pursuit of their goals. They have lifted and uplifted many to soar among eagles. These individuals have been the topic of discussion for many success stories. On the other hand, dreamkillers have served their purpose of hindering many from reaching their goals. People in this category have shaped a very negative web for almost all of those that follow in their path. Ironically, dreamkillers have also served as a challenge to others causing them to periodically achieve goals at times. That may not have been their intention however someone decided to take that negativity in a positive manner.

Surround yourself with dreambuilders. Pull from their compliments and good will. Give back to them positivity as they've done you.

Avoid the dreamkillers. They will drain you of your self worth. Sometimes it is hard because they are a family members, teachers or friends. If that is the case, limit your interaction with them. What if you can't avoid them? Then build yourself up prior to having encounters with them. Recite positive affirmations and/or pray daily because what they take from you can't always be replaced.

Monday, March 5, 2007

Waiting to Exhale/Excel...

I love Black men. I have crowned many of them in my almost (4) decades of existence. I have wined and dined them to no end. I have helped develop them into multi-millionaires, politicians and even ministers. I never hesitated to cook, clean, iron nor sew. I have loved "the machine that sewed the seam in their underwear".

So, why am I here alone with ample time to write this blog? I would surely say that it is because I have given too much, too soon for too long. I oftentimes pondered over what was wrong with them when in actuality, the common denominator was "ME". I was the solution that had become the problem. I displayed my "here I am to fix it" attitude to men that did not deserve a second glance from me. I, in a short period of time, lowered my standards. I reverted so far backwards that I had a glance of history.

Now, I have put all that behind me. I have returned to love and I love me unconditionally. I have a glory all my own. I understand and approve of the vision and the provisions that God has made for me. I am setting a new table. I am fluffing my pillows. I am broiling an extra steak. I am singing to the tune of a new genre. I am open, willing, able and ready to receive the man of my dreams. He is just around the corner. I will meet him half way. When I get there, we can lift each other up! Ahhhhhhhhhh, Thank you Jesus!

Beautiful Surprise

There is something special about the healing and soothing sounds of India Irie. She really touched my heart with the lyrics listed below. This song captures the essence of how I really want to feel with the man that will be in my life for the rest of my life.

It's like yesterday
I didn't even know your name
Now today
You're always on my mind
I never could have predicted that I feel this way
You are beautiful surprise
Intoxicated every time I hear your voice
You've got me on a natural high
It's almost like I didn't even have a choice
You are a beautiful surprise

Whatever it is you came to teach me
I am here to learn it cause
I believe that we are written in the stars
I don't know what the future holds
But I'm living in the moment
And I'm thankful for the man that you are, you are, you are
You are everything I ask for in my prayers
So I know my angels brought you to my life
Your energy is healing to my soul
You are a beautiful surprise
You are an inspiration to my life
You are the reason why I smile
You are a beautiful surprise

What song represents how you want to feel with your soul mate? Feel free to share the lyrics.

You are who you are...

Poem by Russell Kelfer – Title Unknown

You are who are for a reason.
You’re part of an intricate plan.
You’re a precious and perfect unique design,
Called God’s special woman or man.

You look like you look for a reason.
Our God made no mistake.
He knit you together within the womb,
You’re just what he wanted to make.

The parents you had were the ones he chose,
And no matter how you may feel,
They were custom designed with God’s plan in mind,
And they bear the Master’s seal.

No, that trauma you faced was not easy.
And God wept that it hurt you so;
But it was allowed to shape your heart
So that into his likeness you’d grow.

You are who you are for a reason,
You’ve been formed by the Master’s rod.
You are who you are, beloved,
Because there is a God!

Living and Learning

The more you live, the more you will find that…

Less is so much more.
Trials and tribulations develop character.
People’s opinion of you is really none of your business.
Everyone deserves a chance to be forgiven.
Paying attention to detail doesn’t make you the “better person”.
You actually learn from your mistakes one way or another.
What’s said and done in the dark is still said and done.
Judgment of others is not your job nor concern.
No one actually keeps those secrets that you tell him or her.
Lying through omission and commission are both dishonest.
People will “talk the talk” but not “walk the walk”.
The busier you are, the more likely your family will be neglected.
Childhood hurts can be overcome.
Your main competitor should be you.
The best way to be lifted is to lift someone else up.
Random acts of kindness are gratifying.
Life is short, monitored and later evaluated.
There is no perfect time to do a good deed.
Some things are better left unsaid and undone.
Getting the last word is oftentimes over-rated.
The more control you must have, the less likely you’ll be Divinely Guided.
Giving is usually in one direction and receiving in another.
Diversity should be embraced in any situation.
Your struggle is just as great as the next man’s.
Success is determined by different size measuring cups.
People can only deliver what they are carrying in their package.
There are more than (7) sides to every story.
You don’t have to wait for an accident to make a correction.
It’s okay to have good intentions and actually act on them.
You may be the only person that understands and appreciates your plight.
There is always room for improvement.
It is not admirable to put others down just to elevate yourself.
In anyway that you can be a help, do so.
The closer you are to the speaker, the more you can hear them.
Your life is intended for the purpose of serving God.